A Year and a Day The Witches Workbook
Moon One: Introduction to Wicca & Exercises to Discover the Self
What Wicca IS and what Wicca ISN’T
Wiccan Etiquette
History of Witchcraft
Basic Ethics- The Wiccan Rede
Introduction to the Wheel of the Year (Handout)
Exploration of the Duality principle
Basics of Ritual and Sacred Space
Basics of the Magical Tools and the Book of Shadows
Moon Two: Introduction to the Goddess and the God
Presentation of Goddess assignments
The Triple Goddess : Maiden Mother and Crone
The God
Duality Principle
Altar Updates
Class Three: The Sabbats and the Wheel of the Year
In depth discussion of the Wheel of the Year Mabon, Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas
Correspondences for the Sabbats
How does the Wheel of the Year mirror our own life cycles?
Do you think the same forces are present in other aspects of life?
How can your awareness of these cycles help you live in harmony?
What season of life are you in?
What season of the year do you like best?
Assignment: Draw up a wheel of the year for your BOS, and include all aspects that you’ve learned so far. Leave room for further additions.
Class Four: Building Ritual & Creating Sacred Space
Introduction to the Ritual Tools and the Altar
Introduction to the Elements and basic correspondences
Introduction to Circle Casting and Creating Sacred Space
Introduction of the Ritual Design
How do you feel about using ritual tools?
Do you understand that they are just “props” to help focus your mind?
Do you believe that you need these tools to work magick, or to be a witch?
Are you more interested in the material tool, or what it represents?
Assignment: Make a list of the traditional Wiccan Tools for your BOS. Begin to collect the tools that appeal to you, create a consecration rite for them.
Assignment: Create a small ritual to protect a loved one.
Class Five: The Elements
Introduction to the Elemental Model (handout of Element Chart)
Guided meditation into each element.
Discussion of duality and balance.
Exploration of activities to increase deficient elements.
Lesser Banishing Pentacle Ritual
Do you feel you are balanced with the elements?
Do you attract people who help to balance you or do you overload yourself with one element?
How does your homelife and work life fit into the elemental balance of your life?
What do you personally associate with each element?
Assignment: Create a ritual that you will perform during the next month to increase the forces of the element that you are lacking in. Keep a record of the times you perform the ritual, and how it makes you feel. Practice casting a circle and creating sacred space using the elemental invitational method.
Class Six: The Esbats and Dream Magick
Discussion of the phases of the Moon
How the moon influences earthly tides
Lesson on how to use a Moon Calendar
Moons of the Year
Dream Magick
Description of a Full Moon Rite, Drawing Down the Moon
Description of a New Moon Rite
Are you aware of the phase of the moon?
Have you ever lived by the sea?
Is your menstrual cycle affected by the phase of the moon?
Do you remember your dreams?
Have you ever had prophetic dreams?
Assignment: Create a moon calendar and record your menstrual cycle as you begin to become aware of the moon phases. Write a perform a new moon rite, record the rite in your BOS. Begin a dream journal and record dreams.
Class Seven : Spell Working and Candle Magick
Outline of a Basic Spell
Color Correspondences
Planetary Correspondences
Moon Correspondence
Basic Candle Magick
How do you feel about doing spellwork?
Do you believe that spells have the ability to affect changes?
What form of spellwork appeals to you most?
What are your basic reactions to certain colors?
Assignment for next class: Record your correspondences in your BOS. Choose a particular candle color and light the candle for a week, keeping your intention in mind. You may make the candle spell simple or complex- record the results.
Class Eight: Meditation and the Power of the Mind
Review of Rainbow Cone Meditation
Introduction to The Middle Pillar
Grounding and Centering
Psychic Self Defense
Shielding and Warding
Class Nine: Herbal Medicine and Plant Magick
Sachets, poppets, dream pillows
Bath Herbs and Oils
Magickal Gardening
Assignment: Choose five plants that directly appeal to you- write a short writeup about them in your BOS, and make copies for your classmate.
Finish your poppet and write the recipe in your BOS. Please bring your birth date, place and time for our class on Astrology.
Class Ten: Divination
Tarot, Runes, Pendulum, Scrying
Which archetypes of the tarot appeal to you? What is your soul card? (Using numerology system)
Are you able to scry in crystal, water, or clouds?
Do you trust your higher self?
Assignment: Choose and consecrate a divination tool that appeals to you. Determine your soul card in the tarot, and work with the Major Arcana symbolism, making notes in your BOS.
Class Eleven: Astrology
Reviewing basic chart info
Moon Signs
Determining astrological correspondences for magickal work
Do you feel your chart describes you?
Do you feel more like your sun sign, or your moon sign?
How do you feel that astrology can benefit you?
Do you believe that astrology “works”?
Assignment: Determine the sun and moon signs of those closest to you. In your BOS, record their info, and your interpretation of the traditional astrological traits of those signs, and where you believe these people fall in regard to them.
Class Twelve: Crystals, Gems and Minerals
Handout- Common Crystals and their Metaphysical Traits
Crystal Healing Dedicating, cleansing, awakening, and charging crystals
Meditation with crystals
Elixers/ Liquids Chakras – Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown
Middle Pillar Meditation
What gems or crystals do you feel drawn to?
Have you ever come across crystals out in nature?
Can you feel the energetic quality of the stones?
Assignment: Practice the Middle Pillar Meditation Ritual with strong visualization of the charkas. Draw a picture for your BOS detailing the chakras Choose a stone to work with and to be a part of your initiation. Consecrate it with the elements at the New Moon.
Make a black robe for initiation, find a cordelier
Class Thirteen: Initiation Preparation
Review and Discussion
First Degree Initiation Test
Making Masks