Fall Equinox 2020

Altar: Fall Equinox Altar cloth.  Brown candles. 
Acorns, pumpkins, wheat, sunflowers and fall colored mums.   
Have one black taper and one white taper in holders, front and center on the altar.  
Bottle of organic wine or mead, and a single pomegranate,
cut in half, place upon the pentacle or ritual plate.
Ritual Tools. – Fall incense
One apple needed for each covener
Paper/Pens for writing the things for which each of us is grateful. Knife to core apples. Sunflower seeds to put in apples
White Taper Candle to fit into apples.

Before the rite, have each person write on the paper that which she is grateful for.  Each person should also core out the apple using the bolline. (paper will be placed in the apple with sunflower seeds).  Symbols can also be carved into the apple if desired. (pentacle, moon, stars, spiral, runes, etc).

The Rite:

Meditation/ Relaxation – Grounding and center.

Purifying the Space

Opening the Circle – the Wicca Way

Calling the Quarters

East  (Sara) - “Great Guardians of the Eastern quarter of the universe, you who govern the realm of air, we invite you to join and witness this rite.  May the breath of your wind fill us with creativity and health.

South (Lily)- “Great Guardians of the Southern quarter of the universe, you who govern the realm of fire, we invite you to join and witness this rite.  May your cleansing flames give us strength and passion.

West- (Katerina)  “Great Guardians of the Western quarter of the universe, you who govern the realm of water, we invite you to join and witness this rite.  May your deep wells of emotion fill our hearts with love, truth, and peace.

North- (Nadine)  “Great Guardians of the Northern quarter of the universe, you who govern the realm of earth, we invite you to join and witness this rite.  May our feet remain firmly planted in your loving embrace.

Hekos Hekos Este Bebeloi!  I hereby declare the Circle is cast! We are between the worlds, beyond the bounds of time, where night and day, Birth and death, Joy and sorrow, meet as one - The ritual is begun.”

Celebration of the Fall Equinox

At the fall equinox, which we call “Harvest Home”, we celebrate the abundance of the summer, and give thanks through song, dance, and feasting. This is the Wiccan Thanksgiving, - a time of sharing the bounty of the earth, while reflecting on the seeds we have sown throughout the year and the fruits of our labors.   It is also a time for balance, as the hours of daylight and darkness come into complete balance and the equinox.

The Harvest is complete as we move into the cold and darkness. The trees change color and animals store food for the coming winter. The body of the Goddess cools and prepares for the coming frost. As we feel the chill of the north winds, we retreat for reflection and thanksgiving.

You have each written your thanks to the Goddess on your parchment, and in the circle, you will place the parchment into your apple.  After the ritual, take your apple to a place where you’d like to honor the wild animals, and give the apple back to the earth.

This is also the time of balance, when day and night are equal once again.  Still, there may be a hint of sadness within us, as well as a touch of fear or trepidation as the nights grow longer and the darkness gains strength.

And so, at this time of the year, we start to turn within – we welcome this time of meditation and self-reflection, slow down the pace of our lives and recognize our personal harvests.

This ritual is all about harvesting ALL the Universe has waiting for you. Remember everything that is placed on one side of the scale has to have something else placed on the other side. This is how we create and maintain balance: use this time to look closely at the balance in your life – what can you shift or change to make things more balanced? How do you balance your personal needs with your commitments to the outside world? How do you receive? How do you give? How do you hold on to that whih is no longer beneficial in your life?

Invoke the Goddess and God

 (Freya) Great Goddess, we thank you for the bountiful harvest.  Tonight, in this Rite of the Fall Equinox, we celebrate your generous gifts and welcome the time of rest and reflection.  Please join us in our sacred circle this night, as we celebrate our Thanks.

(Gideon) Great God – Welcome to the Rite of the Fall Equinox.  Lord of the Forest, protector of the wild things, we invite you to join us as the world begins to slide toward darkness once again.  We ask you to guard us during the cold winter months as we regenerate our spirits to be reborn again at Yule.  In your guise as Bacchus, god of wine and joy, we ask you to join us as we welcome the season of family, friends, and celebration.

Finding balance between the light and dark.

First, we will do a guided meditation to balance the elemental energies within each of us. After we achieve balance, we will journey in the spirit realm to meet our personal animal spirit guides for the next turning of the wheel.
Upon returning to this realm, we will each light a candle from both the pillar of light and the pillar of dark, allowing our personal light to become balanced with the universe and give thanks for that which has sustained us this year, and the spirit guides that have chosen to walk with us for the next cycle.

Do a short relaxation exercise to Ground and Center, Crystal Countdown to Alpha

Balance of elemental energies and meeting the Animal Spirit Guides.  Guided meditation.

East: Imagine sitting upon a high mountain facing the east just before sunrise. It’s cool as the dawn breeze blows across your face. Visualize the sun begin to peek above the horizon, the light growing steadily as the rays of the sun shoot into the sky. As it rises, you feel the warmth across your face, and hear the sounds of the birds singing as they wake to greet the new day.  Allow the gentle breath of the goddess cleanse you and fill you with the spirit of air.  Feel the air fill your body, as it moves through you and filling you with inspiration.
Close your eyes in your mind, and allow the screen to go black.

South: Imagine the screen coming to light, and see yourself standing next to a roaring bonfire.  Feel the warmth from the flames as they dance higher and higher, making incredible shapes and designs.  Listen to the crackling of the glowing embers, and smell the smoke. See the salamanders playing amongst the licking light.
Slowly turn your body before the fire, allowing every part of your body to warm before you make the next turn.  As your skin heats, visualize your blood warming as flows through your veins and returns to your heart.  Feel the warmth of the will and passion that the fire imparts to you. 
Close your eyes and let the screen go black.

West: As your screen comes back to light, you find yourself sitting beside a stream; hear the sound of the water as it cascades across the rocks in the river, making small little waterfalls and bubbling merrily.  Step into the cool water, and feel it soothe your warm skin that’s been heated by the fire.  Move into the stream and slowly sit in the water, allowing the water to move past you, carrying away any negativity you may have.  Lie back in the water, and allow yourself to float. Imagine the water as the womb of the goddess, and feel how you are an integral part of the Wholeness of the Universe.  Turn so your face is under the water, and notice all the life there – the fish, the turtles, the plants.  Know within yourself that that which is underneath is often the most full of life, and vow to always search the depths of your heart and for the unseen treasures in others.
Allow the screen to go black. 

North:  Imagine yourself setting out upon a hike – you are at the base of a mountain trail, which is only barely visible through the forested trailhead.  As you start down the trail, you notice the dappled sunshine coming through the canopy overhead.  You can smell the loamy aroma of the leaves as they break down to return to the earth.  As you walk, notice the different plants and trees along the way.  After a short time in the forest, you come to a meadow, in which you see a circle of massive standing stones.  Walk to the circle, and place your hand upon the stone.  Feel its roughness- lean toward it and smell its ancient scent. Move to the center of the circle and sit amongst the stones.  Feel the strength of the earth both below you, and in the stones.  Feel how that strength both is of you and nourishes you. Run your hand through the loamy soil, and deeply breathe in its earthy aroma. 
Allow the screen to black.

As you breathe deeply, visualize the four elemental energies moving through your body.  The air blows gently, filling you with clean, inspirational energy.  The fire rages through your blood, filling you with strength, will, and passion.  The coolness of the water flows gently past, calming the fire with soothing love, emotion and intuition.  And finally, fill yourself with the solidity of earth, by pulling her energy up through your core and an into your center.    Know that the four elemental energies live within you, and you can always call upon any of them to help you balance your mind, body, or spirit.

Now, slowly allow the screen to come back to light.  Bring your attention to the ground upon which you sit, and feel your own roots reaching deeply into the earth.  Look at your feet upon the ground as you slowly stand.  Wiggle your toes in the grass and feel the cool earth. With a deep breath, visualize your heart chakra opening as a brilliant blue light radiates out into the clearing around you as you call for your animals spirit guide.  With as much pure intent as you can, send your request to the universe for your spirit guide to join you in this sacred circle, at this moment of perfect balance.  Slowly turn clockwise until you come to see an animal at the edge of the trees.  If you don’t see it, look for a little sparkle in the air to guide you to it’s location.  It might take an extra moment for your guide to trust you enough to leave the safety of the trees.  Spread your arms and welcome your spirit guide as it moves toward you.  Spend a few moments in wordless communication with your guide, so you can hear the messages that he/she wants to impart to you and the lessons that he or she will work with you throughout the next turning of the wheel.  

When  you hear the ring of the bell, slowly open your eyes.

Lighting the Candles in the Apples

One by one we will light our candles both with the light and the dark candles.  You are welcome to say an affirmation aloud, or just know it in your heart.

The black candle represents the hidden, secret parts of us, both positive and negative.

The white candle represents the parts of us that shine in the light, the face that we each show to the world.

Place the candle in the apple, allow to flame for the rest of the evening.  Burn each night until gone.

Give thanks for all that has sustained us and to your spirit animals.  Place the apples on the altar until after the ritual.   After the candles is burned until gone at home, give the apple, with the petition and all, to the animals at your home in your garden. 

Drink the libation,  and take of the pomegranate seed. giving some to the God and Goddess, and know that you are in balance and harmony with the world.

Release the elements
Thank and bid farewell to the God and the Goddess.
Close the circle in the traditional way

The circle is open, yet ever unbroken. May the peace of the Gods be forever in your hearts. Blessed be!

Feast and be merry!

Copyright 2020, Sara Blackthorne