OCTOBER HUNTER'S MOON: Samhain: Exploring the Season of the Dead | Oct 17, 6-8pm

OCTOBER HUNTER'S MOON: Samhain: Exploring the Season of the Dead | Oct 17, 6-8pm


Join us for an evocative workshop as we explore Samhain, the ancient Celtic festival that marks the thinning of the veil between the living and the dead. Traditionally celebrated at the end of the harvest season, Samhain is a time to honor our ancestors, reflect on the cycles of life and death, and embrace the mysteries of the unseen world.

In this immersive session, we’ll delve into the historical and cultural significance of Samhain, learning how it has been celebrated for centuries as a time of introspection, remembrance, and connection to the spirit realm. We’ll discuss traditional rituals, symbols, and customs associated with this sacred time, while also exploring ways to create personal ceremonies to honor the dead.

Participants will engage in activities that draw upon the spiritual and magical aspects of Samhain, including creating ancestral altars, crafting protective charms, and working with the energies of transformation and release that the season brings. Whether you’re drawn to the mysteries of the otherworld or seeking a deeper understanding of this potent time of year, this workshop provides a thoughtful and transformative space to connect with the spirit of Samhain.

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