Relaxation Body Polish

1 lb  Pacific Sea Salt - fine grain

1 cup pure Sweet Almond Oil

1/4 cup Jojoba oil

1 tsp Vitamin E oil

1/8 cup ground chamomile (measure then grind)

1/ 8 cup rose petals, ground (measure, then grind)

1/ 8 cup lavender, ground (measure, then grind)

1/8 cup lemon balm, (measure than grind)

10 drops pure lavender essential oil To make:Place all herbs in a mixing bowl and blend well.  Grind them into a powder using a clean coffee bean grinder.  Return them to bowl, and add the salt.  Mix well.Add the almond, jojoba and vitamin E oils.  Mix well with a wooden spoon.  Add lavender essential oil.  Mix well.Place the product into a jar that can be capped.  This will last for about a year.  Use in the shower to polish dry skin after you've already washed with soap.  You want to leave the oils on your skin to moisturize.